Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ice Cream

Been listening to the lovely Sara McLachlan all afternoon today. You can laugh if you like, that's fine I'm used to it. I get asked a lot why I listen to her when she's so "poppy" and "artsy". Musically, yes, she can be extremely poppy, folky, and upbeat. But lyrically she can be darker then most metal bands I've heard. Forget PETA, "Angel" is about sitting in a hotel room, lonely and broken, and shooting heroin. That's straight out of her own mouth (see the 'VH1 Storytellers: Sara McLachlan' dvd), and if anyone ever bothered to actually read the lyrics I'd think it'd be clear. But I'm sure she often thinks that as well. I think it's the juxtaposition of dark lyrics with upbeat music that confuses people. Some peole hear music, others listen to it. There is a difference.

This is off of 'Laws Of Illusion', which is a pretty strong record. There's a couple of tracks for me that I skip, as with all of her records since 'Fumbling Towards Ecstasy', but it's a much better album then 'Shine On'. Production quality varies, as there were 3 (possibly 4) different producers on various tracks (including one Mr. Bob Rock, of MetallicA coat-tail riding fame, who produced 3 tracks for the album.), but overall it's a good buy. Just ignore the album cover. This was also first released on her best of record 'Closer', though I don't own that so I'm unaware if there are any variations of versions.

                                                    "U Want Me 2"...

I don't understand why she always puts out these concept videos. They're usually clever, yes, but more times close to pretentious. I'll just be honest and say this is a terrible video for a great song. And the sounds of all the fans used must have been deafening. I think her videos are at their best when they actually show HER at her best: playing with her band. She's lovely to look at, but first and foremost she's a killer musician. I'm pissed off I missed her tour in America this year. But I didn't even know 'Shine On' was out until 6 months later when I saw it in a record store. Nice job of promoting, Arista.

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